A book is not judged by its cover; but a magazine is always judged by its cover only. And, that is why the cover is very critical for a magazine. Publishers and editors do their best efforts & they put their best resources to make great cover for the every issue of their magazines. Still some fail miserably and some stand out brilliant.
www.MAGworld.in presents the 9th edition of INDIA’S TOP 100 MAGAZINE COVERS that we have liked from more than 400 magazines i.e. 5000+ issues that were released in the year 2022.
Top 100 covers in a 3 minutes long video- https://www.magworld.in/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Indias-TOP-100-Magazine-Covers-2022.m4v
Top 100 covers in PDF format (HighRes)- https://www.magworld.in/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Indias-TOP-100-Magazine-Covers-2022.pdf
#top100 #magazinecovers #indianmagazines #covers #magworld #gsvirdi

20 Noticeable magazine covers in the last month!
40 Noticeable magazine covers in the last two months!
Recent New Launches!
It gives you a good feeling to see new launches when many of old, established and big publications are either dead or dying! I wish them good luck and best wishes!
Visit for more on magazines- www.Magworld.in
20 Noticeable magazine covers in the last three months!
Only 10 years ago today, when I used to write for this blog, I used to get around 30 great covers every month. Even at times, many magazine covers had to struggle to make their place in the ‘Top 30 of the month’. Sadly, today the editorial quality of magazines has become so bad that even three months in a row, it is difficult to collect a total of 20 great covers. The condition of Hindi magazines is even worse, the benchmark has to be pushed too low to include one or two of them anyway. Only the publisher and editorial team is responsible for this bad condition, no one else.
A few of noticeable magazine covers from last couple of months!
It is really upsetting nowadays that I have to wait for 4-6 months to see good magazine covers those I can count easily on fingers… and then publishers crib that magazines are dying.